Host:東山高中 陳昭伶(Sherry)輔導員
While designing a game,
what do you expect the game will be like? Are you going to make up a brand new
game for each lesson, or are there any other ways to recycle what you have
done, but in different styles?
In Sherry's mind, she thought board games should:
1. be positive
Although most of the time, games are like competitions, students have fun playing them.
1. be positive
Although most of the time, games are like competitions, students have fun playing them.
2. increase cooperation
Like the first point, even they have to win points for themselves,
they can help each other to gain more.
3. be trendy
Understand what or who students
like the most now, such as their favorite cartoon roles, or super stars, and
make them the main element in the game.
4. be flexible
Old games, but with
something different every time, the games will be like new ones for every
5. be appropriate for all the learners
Students are able to take
different tasks based on their English proficiency in the same game.
Reporter:大墩國中 賴國堂老師
Topic: 英語領域教學研究會社群模式運作
When you are alone, what kind
of course design are you able to try?
How about working with your
colleagues? In today's sharing, 大墩國中showed their very
professional team no matter for course design or handouts for summer or winter
school. Besides, they even invited teachers overseas to join this teacher
community to help students open their mind, their eye, and their sights.
Reporter:惠文高中國中部 林雯雅老師
Topic: English- Teaching Activities: Use it, or lose it.
Who is always the one ask or
answer questions in class? Is it possible that everyone takes even turns
present what they know in class? Yes and at the end of Ms. Lin's class, every
student finished their tasks precisely! But after the so called "routine
lessons", Ms. Lin was able to lead in out- of - coursebook readings with
different activities to help broaden students' vocabulary and reading
Reporter:龍井國中 周惠文老師
After teaching countable
and uncountable nouns, what do you do? A quiz is old fashioned. Students forgot
everything and start to hate English! A "mini book" for this grammar
rule would make rules no more rules, but lovey pictures.
Reporter:四箴國中 周昀瑩老師
Cooperation and
collaboration is a way to help students and the teacher win- win! In traditional
class, the teacher might spend more time dealing with students' problems than
in a class formed with groups because students are able to solve the problems
in advance by helping each other. Therefore, there is more time for the teacher
to observe students' performance and needs.
Reporter:龍津國中 吳愛玲老師
Are you going to give up
teaching students to use English just because they might take English as an alien
language? How about starting from an NBA game clip, and have them share what
they might know about basketball? Or a movie which might give them different
ideas about life. All you need is to spend some more time, group your students,
assign fair tasks to each group member, and then have them present what they
Guest: 崇倫國中 四育國中 大業國中 萬和國中 黎明國中
大道國中 烏日國中 溪南國中 光德國中
- 藉由不同的學習活動刺激學的的學習動機非常好
- 任務導向的學習活動能培養孩子帶的走的能力
- 期望老師們能合作資源共享節省備課時間
- 善用老師的人格特質建立屬於自己風格的活動
- 把學習的主權還給學生
- 分組合作學習能喚起老師的教學熱情與提升學生的學習成就
- 如何分配進度與活動?