我們的團隊 The Advisory English Team of Taichung City

109學年度-臺中市語文領域 國中英語輔導團 團員


向上國中 林翠茹 校長


大德國中 鄭維源 老師


溪南國中 張倉漢 校長


大墩國中 簡慧琳 老師


北勢國中 張清欽 校長


梧棲國中 張世賢 老師


豐陽國中 蔡瑞昌 校長


大甲國中 莊雅蘭 老師


光明國中 李國禎 老師


漢口國中 陳敬容 老師


大道國中 曾靜榕 老師


大雅國中 羅峻豐 老師

歷任 輔導團 輔導員


[2-2-3, 3-1-1]1060411 D組分區到校服務(@順天國中)

      Thanks to Sherry Chen(陳昭伶輔導員), all of the teachers tried several kinds of board game activities designed and made by Shirley herself, such as “Spot it”, whose players could practice twelve months in English, “Pokemon Go,” whose players would enjoy guessing the names of their Pokemon monsters by repeating the sentence pattern, Is it _(adj.)_?, etc. As Shirley said, board games could be used in remedial instruction(補救教學) and in common classes as interesting meaningful practices. In addition, another six teachers shared how they managed, designed and inspired their English classes. Cooperative learning(合作學習) made students learn to interact with others in class; differential instruction(差異化教學) had students with different learning achievement complete different tasks; scenario simulation classrooms(情境教室) immersed students in speaking and listening English; school-based courses(學校本位課程) motivated students to practice English based on their familiar surroundings. 

Topic: 桌遊融入英語教學     Reporter: 陳昭伶 輔導員
Thanks to: 清水國中、梧棲國中
Thanks to: 清泉國中、清海國中

Please see all the files here.


[2-2-4] 恭賀 李國楨輔導員帶領原校團隊勇奪教學卓越獎!

~教學卓越獎市內初選第三名 Working towards the Final of Teaching Excellence Award ~




What a pleasant surprise! We have been accepted to represent Taichung City for the Teaching Excellence Award held by the Ministry of Education, competing with other excellent teams all around the country. This award focuses on teamwork, complete with features like student-centered learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, professional learning community, benefitting the majority of students, long-term goals, the involvement of parents and neighboring communities, etc.

It was such a surprise because the judges' feedback and comments were not very positive or friendly after our fifteen- minute presentation and the Q and A session for the preliminaries last Friday. Each of them pointed out some weaknesses and offered their professional advice, leaving us only about three minutes to defend ourselves. What's worse,  we were supposed to have another three more minutes to answer the questions while forcibly interrupted and stopped by the bell ring sounds.

Last year, I almost single-handly prepared for this competition with such short notice, so I didn't expect anything from the preliminaries. It turned out that we only received honorable mention for the final result. This year was a bit different. We already won the International School Award by the British Council Taiwan by conducting a series of Skype Exchange Projects, which gave us much leverage to compete and prove we're truly worth it. On top of that, I really felt I was working with my teammates very hard towards the award this time, with my driven partners' homemade real-life escape rooms built by the students.

Some pressing issues must be addressed properly and effectively if we really mean business to win the grand prize. First of all, we need to build a much stronger bond between those two topics, international education, and real-life escape rooms. Following that, we have to involve more students in both plans, which the principal's help is absolutely necessary to handle red tape and anything like that. Last but not least, students' feedback and reflection on these two have to be well organized in the forms of videos and journals.

It's likely that we'll still end up with nothing in the final this year even though we actually manage to solve all the problems. However, I'm really glad some colleagues of mine can finally come to understand the value of promoting international education in the school, especially when everyone thinks we need to make a change to fight the uphill battle of the shrinking amount of students while very few walks the walk. 

[2-2-1] Building a Scenario Simulation Classroom 國際教育情境教室

With the 100 thousand TWD grant from the Education Bureau and British Council Taiwan, we're striving to establish an environment for students to really USE the language with Skype exchange, video making, mock airport simulation and so on.