Free listening resource for
(申請帳號→自主學習測驗系統→ 英語聽力→開始)
Other Listening activities
introduced by Lina Tzeng(央團 曾麗娜輔導員):
Activity 1: Listen and Guess!
Purpose: This activity can be used as ice breaking.
Steps: Students listen to what Teacher says and guess if
it is true or false. Teacher can state his/her information in the past, at
present and in the near future. Thus, students would hear sentences made in the
past tense, present tense and future tense. Teacher may say, for example, “I
was 40 kg ten years ago,” or “I am going to the UK next month.”
Activity 2: Your
Lucky Number!
Purpose: Students can practice
listening, preposition and shape vocabulary words such as circle, square,
rectangle, or star.
Teacher will give the orders like “Please draw a triangle on the top of the
blank paper. Draw a circle under the triangle….” Students have to listen and
draw down according to what they hear.
Teacher give some questions. Students have to read questions and write down
their answer in those shapes as numbers, and add all the numbers and then get
their own lucky number.
Activity 3: Who
am I?
Purpose: Two students make a group. In order to guess which their
monster is, they have to ask and answer questions in the pattern, “Is it____?
Yes/ NO, it is/isn’t.”
Please see the attached file.
Activity 4: Learning by singing!
Please see the attached file.