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Host: 曾靜榕 輔導員
Topic: 國中學生學習評量
Marking with numbers is no longer trendy. With specific descriptions, the result of students' performance would be much more concrete and helpful. In Ms. Tseng's report, there are steps to help teachers to build the standard for the assessment of the 4 skills.

Reporter: 中港高中 國中部 吳美瑩老師
Topic: 教學經驗分享
From learning vocabulary by pair work to reading with listening, Ms. Wu shared various ways of English learning.

Reporter: 日南國中 陳韋伶老師
Topic: Enjoy English Enjoy the World
It was boring to follow what we had in the coursebook; however, if the teacher could fix practices or activities even just a little bit, students would have different feelings toward the changes. The adaption was unnecessary difficult, but it was suggested to be related to students themselves. For example, the photos of the students or the seating in the classroom. It would be even more interesting to have students create their own videos based on what they learned than to have them read the dialogues in the textbook.

Reporter: 大甲國中 黃維娣老師
Topic: Funny Yummy Holidays
How do you teach English holidays? Do you let the students read the stories about them? Do you have them fill in the handouts about the holidays? How about LEARNING by DOING? Check these links below and you will find how to EAT A HOLIDAY!
Topic: Students' works teach themselves.
If the text in the coursebook can't impress your students, what will you do? Mr. Chen are always looking for materials to help motivate students and create chances for them to practice English. Furthermore, he helps students to present what they have by making commercials. Besides reading the text in the coursebook, he tried to dig out more for the students to practice reading strategies, such as English newspaper, movies, and novels.
Reporter: 沙鹿國中 賴文洪老師
Topic: 補救教學
Have you ever volunteered to be the teacher in charge of the remedial teaching? If so, how do you help those students to make up their learning? What time is the course? What do you teach for the course? How about the feedback from the students? If you just heard about the remedial teaching without real experiences, you are suggested to come and see how Mr. Hong was devoted to it.
Comment or Feedback:
1. 補救教學建議由體制外的老師授課 ex. 實習老師
2. 跨領域協同教學的可能性 (針對大甲國中 黃維娣老師)
3. 常態編班也能到這麼多的活動嗎? (針對順天國中 陳致遠老師)
4. 備課時間? (針對 日南國中 陳韋伶老師)
5. 補救教學的成效? (針對 沙鹿國中 賴文洪老師)