Sherry Chen (陳昭伶老師) brought a bunch of homemade boards games for English teachers in Wan He junior high school. With board games, Sherry not only made English class fun but had students practice what they had learned in class. Besides sharing which board games can be played, Sherry also showed teachers how to make board games and how to play them. 萬和國中的老師們實際體會一個緊接著一個的桌遊遊戲,昭伶老師不僅分享了遊戲設計的理念、實施的步驟,以及平常學生們可能的反應等,萬和的老師們欲罷不能,受益匪淺,紛紛表示希望能再次交流的機會!萬和國中杜媛媛老師也分享了國際教育課程的設計與實施歷程,萬和國中申請三位AISEC國際志工、設計各種活動課程,國際教育的實施沒有課表、沒有教科書,著重在不同文化的理解和溝通及嘗試融入在地獨有的因素,在在顯示出媛媛老師對於國際教育的特有熱誠值得推廣給其他老師們。
[2-2-2, 2-2-3] 105/12/13 萬和國中客製化到校服務
Sherry Chen (陳昭伶老師) brought a bunch of homemade boards games for English teachers in Wan He junior high school. With board games, Sherry not only made English class fun but had students practice what they had learned in class. Besides sharing which board games can be played, Sherry also showed teachers how to make board games and how to play them. 萬和國中的老師們實際體會一個緊接著一個的桌遊遊戲,昭伶老師不僅分享了遊戲設計的理念、實施的步驟,以及平常學生們可能的反應等,萬和的老師們欲罷不能,受益匪淺,紛紛表示希望能再次交流的機會!萬和國中杜媛媛老師也分享了國際教育課程的設計與實施歷程,萬和國中申請三位AISEC國際志工、設計各種活動課程,國際教育的實施沒有課表、沒有教科書,著重在不同文化的理解和溝通及嘗試融入在地獨有的因素,在在顯示出媛媛老師對於國際教育的特有熱誠值得推廣給其他老師們。
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