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東新國中英語領域與召集人在日前補救教學研習中收穫滿滿,也發覺當時講師 曾靜榕老師的教學方式很適合該校學生,該校教師群希望能向靜榕老師交流請益,因此力邀到校入班授課,這次的機會落實真正客製化到校服務。靜榕老師除了發揮幽默風趣的個人特質以拉近學生距離外,也運用了記憶術,像是大人小孩都耳熟能詳的哆啦A夢主題曲,不僅吸引學生注意力,也在輕鬆的氣氛中達到有效學習。
On December 27, Ms. Tseng(曾靜榕老師) stepped into Class 703 to demonstrate how to assist students to learn English in different ways. At first, she reviewed the sentence pattern"What day is it? It is ______." which students had acquired in the very first beginning of this semester. Then, she substituted the same pattern with "What time is it? It is _________."to have students practice how to tell the time in English. In this class, some tips to remember the specific prepositions like "on'' or "at" that most students would easily make errors are highly recommended to English teachers, such as alphabetic images and familiar chants.
公開課實況: https://goo.gl/dFVGg5