我們的團隊 The Advisory English Team of Taichung City

109學年度-臺中市語文領域 國中英語輔導團 團員


向上國中 林翠茹 校長


大德國中 鄭維源 老師


溪南國中 張倉漢 校長


大墩國中 簡慧琳 老師


北勢國中 張清欽 校長


梧棲國中 張世賢 老師


豐陽國中 蔡瑞昌 校長


大甲國中 莊雅蘭 老師


光明國中 李國禎 老師


漢口國中 陳敬容 老師


大道國中 曾靜榕 老師


大雅國中 羅峻豐 老師

歷任 輔導團 輔導員



For further information, please check this website:

Host: Richard Guojhen Li
Topic: English Camp,Online TESOL and Collaborative Lesson Planning
The presentation is like opening a magic box in which you can dig out many interesting teaching ideas and activities. 
1. Have you ever attend to or hold an English camp? What 's in your mind in an English camp? How many things can you do in an English camp? 
2. Have you ever been to another country for free? Well, to be precisely, have you ever been to a country with the support from the AIT and earned more than what you expected? Why not check the course information here: http://www.guidance.tc.edu.tw/board_view.php?id=1371 and plan for where you want to go and who you might work with, like what Richard did in Global English.
3. Did you and your colleagues start working on planning lessons together? If no, why not join our team and work together for better teaching ideas. Or you can take a look at how other teachers cooperate or collaborate with each other and how they evaluate each other!

Reporter: 居仁國中 林鴻銘老師
Topic: 讀者劇場經驗分享
Reader's theater is one of the biggest issues in Taichung City. In stead of picking students and training them by stealing time from common classes, what else can you do? How long do you train your students for the contest? Do you think it is possible to make this whole training program a whole semester social club? Maybe you can get something from the experience of Mr. Lin's.

Reporter: 東峰國中 蘇文政老師
Topic: 英語閱讀教學之設計
This is a practical topic based on Reciprocal Teaching, which includes expert scaffolding, thinking- aloud ,and cooperative learning. From how to predict the main idea, clarify, question, to summarize. Mr. Su offers a completed program for leading a reading class.

Reporter: 育英國中 蕭欣怡老師 / 蕭雅尹老師
Topic: 談外師
Well, frankly speaking, having foreign teachers is something all the rest of the teachers envy. However, these foreign teachers brings not only fun, but also more than what we thought about. Although this is a policy which was managed by the government, but not the school itself, there is still something we should learn from those foreign teachers, especially the teaching attitude!

Speaker: 向上國中 龐麗君老師 / 蔡琬伊老師
Topic: 向上飛揚 跨越國際
What do you think about the Robber Duck? Well, surprisingly, Rubber Duck is not just a doll for fun, but a main idea of a series of English courses about the world, the culture, the tendency, and the care of mental health of teenagers. Here are two kinds of project designs: advanced learners and slow learners. Please download both the files and make a comparison.

Speaker: 光明國中 許碧純老師
Topic: 英語教學小工具分享
Are you bored with using the coursebook and the blackboard? Yes! 
Do you know what to do to make your course much more interesting? Well, maybe yes.
What kind of resources can you "borrow" to turn the content from the coursebook lively? Go check the link in this ppt. Maybe just a 5- minute short clip, but the class is no longer boring!

Quest:忠明國中 成功國中 光榮國中 光正國中 爽文國中 立新國中 市大里國中 霧峰國中    光復國中小
Feedback, suggestion, question:
1. the possibility of having foreign teachers as helpers in every school (育英國中: 外師政策)
2. the possibility of inviting teachers from other schools to participate English camp (光明國中: 英語營)
3. how to choose the proper students to prepare for the contest of reader's theater(居仁國中: 選手海選)
4. the very good example of mixing news event and common class (向上國中:黃色小鴨)
5. The announcement of reader's theater and singing contest should be updated in time.
6. The location of any kind of contest should be selected carefully and considered with the convenience of most schools.
7. What is the purpose of having students join these contests? Is it possible for all the students to participate or only for those advanced learners?


