我們的團隊 The Advisory English Team of Taichung City

109學年度-臺中市語文領域 國中英語輔導團 團員


向上國中 林翠茹 校長


大德國中 鄭維源 老師


溪南國中 張倉漢 校長


大墩國中 簡慧琳 老師


北勢國中 張清欽 校長


梧棲國中 張世賢 老師


豐陽國中 蔡瑞昌 校長


大甲國中 莊雅蘭 老師


光明國中 李國禎 老師


漢口國中 陳敬容 老師


大道國中 曾靜榕 老師


大雅國中 羅峻豐 老師

歷任 輔導團 輔導員


102學年度第2學期國中組巡迴輔導B區 崇倫國中

Do you know Doraemon? Doraemon has a very special pocket which offers all kinds of magic tools if necessary. Today's seminar is like the magic pocket of Doraemon where fantastic teaching ideas keep popping out!
 It is very surprising to know that today's sharing focus on the same topic: cooperative learning. Richard begins by giving a short but clear idea about what cooperative leering is, why to adopt cooperative learning, and how to practice cooperative learning with the comparison of pros and cons of a traditional lecturing class.

    Normally, students will be given lots of tests before the midterm or final exam. However, via cooperative learning, Ms. Zhu transfer the stress and pressure into easy and interesting activities for reviewing. Who says only paper and pencil tests can help increasing conversance?

    After the exam, scores will tell the teacher how much his or her students have learned, and that's why Ms. Li has her students grouped into 3: A (fast learners),B  (average learners), and C (slow learners). The way to do so is to reinforce peer support. Let A teach C, B help B and make learning more active and positive.

    The exam or test itself can be different, too. Teachers from Dayeh Junior High School group students heterogeneously; therefore, the design of handouts, homework, and exams will fit different learning levels. Furthermore, adding integrated skills with cooperative learning is a very good way to practice teaching and learning much more effectively.

    Ms. Du holds the English interview which offers the chance for students not only to practice basic 4 skills, but also to be socially behaved. From how to speak precisely to how to wear properly, English is no longer a subject for learning, but a tool for students to promote themselves.

    Overall, the change of the way to teach and learn English is mainly to help students get involved and become active learners. Ms. Li from Li Ming Junior High School encourages students to express what they think by adopting brainstorming for vocabulary learning, running dictation for reading essays in the course book,...etc. It is very important to unblock students' thoughts even sometimes they might gone a little bit too far, but what bothers. Falling in love with English should be preferential!

Host: Richard Li (光明國中 李國楨老師)
Topic: Cooperative Learning

Reporter: 崇倫國中 朱子昀老師
Topic: 叫我滿分王/ 瞎拼English / I wonder whether

Reporter: 四育國中 李欣怡老師
Topic: 能力分組學習活動

Reporter: 大業國中 曾怡惠老師 賴怡汝老師 林柔吟老師
Topic: 有效教學

Reporter: 萬和國中 杜媛媛老師
Topic: How to teach English interview

Reporter: 黎明國中 李蒨瑜老師
Topic: Friends, Let's Talk in English- Creating a  Speech Community in the English Classroom through Cooperative Learning

Thanks to 大墩國中 惠文高中 龍井國中 四箴國中 大道國中 烏日國中 光德國中

How much passion do you still have after 5- year teaching or even 20- year teaching? How necessarily do you want to adjust your teaching routine? After today's seminar, most of the teachers feel alive again. Why not have the students run around the classroom to reorder the reading essays in the course book? Why not have the students help each other and make "peer pressure" more positive? A little change might overturn the atmosphere of a traditional class and motivate those who always play dead in your class.

PS.  The image of Doraemon is from yahoo 圖庫.


