我們的團隊 The Advisory English Team of Taichung City

109學年度-臺中市語文領域 國中英語輔導團 團員


向上國中 林翠茹 校長


大德國中 鄭維源 老師


溪南國中 張倉漢 校長


大墩國中 簡慧琳 老師


北勢國中 張清欽 校長


梧棲國中 張世賢 老師


豐陽國中 蔡瑞昌 校長


大甲國中 莊雅蘭 老師


光明國中 李國禎 老師


漢口國中 陳敬容 老師


大道國中 曾靜榕 老師


大雅國中 羅峻豐 老師

歷任 輔導團 輔導員


102學年度第2學期國中組巡迴輔導D區 外埔國中

Host: Sherry (東山高中 陳昭伶老師)
Topic: 桌上遊戲融入英語教學

    Welcome to Sherry's board game wonderland! How many games can you use in a period of class but be kept for maybe more than 10 years? Which game is such a magic that can motivate low- achieve learners so much?
    In Sherry's class, all she wants to teach is not only English, but also the spirit of cooperation and collaboration. No matter it is a 5- minute board game, or a 10- minute one, Sherry always tries to set up an English class which can enable learners to play, learn, and work together. A flash card is no longer a specific card for teaching once only, it can be used like porker for low- achievement learners, or a writing or story telling resource for high- achievement ones. Her teaching aids are not disposable, but multi-functional. When a teacher combines her interests with what she teaches and how she teaches English, Sherry has become one of the best example of fun teaching and learning.

Reporter: 外埔國中 伍秀娟老師
Topic: 國中一年級be V. 問句與答句結合口說活動 

Ms. Wu designed a worksheet which included simple drawing and understanding of people's personal information. Students had to draw images based on what they had in the worksheet (one for themselves and the other one for a missing partner). Once they finished drawing, they had to design questions to find out who is their missing partners; therefore, they have to speak!

Reporter: 清水國中 李燕歷老師 劉淑女老師
Topic: 英語誰來教?

Who is going to teach English? Your answer? No, not the teacher, but the students. When a teacher- centered class turns into a learner- centered class, teachers have more time to observe what students are doing and if they are doing well. In the class of Ms. Li and Ms. Liu , they activate teaching and learning, practice multi-evaluation, and inspire students' ability as a whole. From the creation of teaching aids to teaching a lesson, all the students are encouraged to express themselves in their own way.

Reporter: 清泉國中 曾瑩菊老師
Topic: 合作學習經驗分享

In the class of Ms. Zeng, students had to cooperate and collaborate to create a famous person from other countries; therefore, they needed to go check the information about the country they chose no matter through the Internet or any other resources. Every group had to hold an international interview to introduce this famous person in each group at the end. Maybe you would doubt the participation of every group member. Ms. Zeng already assigned the roles in each group, and all they had to do was to find out who played certain role to have the interview been proceeded.

Reporter: 清海國中
Topic: How to help students learn without fear?
 To motivate learners doesn't mean to create a lot of games or design many fantastic teaching aids. In this class, being simple is attractive and fun. Culturally disadvantage children can't be left behind.

Reporter: 梧棲國中 陳蒲谷
Topic: Bruce's Magic Pocket
Mr. Chen provided several interesting ways to promote students' reading, speaking, and writing. It's better to take a look at the process and result in the videos.

Thanks for 中港國中、大甲國中、日南國中、順天國中、鹿寮國中、北勢國中、公明國中、大安國中.

Here is the feedback:
1. 簡單即是好用
2. 常態編班的學習更需要用活動激勵學生;如果能協同校內老師一起製作教具更有效率
3. 針對低成就的學生,如何能善用分組學習提昇學習動機?
4. 以學生為教學主體,老師是否需要補充相關文法或單字的知識?
5. 分組學習工作分配不均的問題該如何解決?
6. 小組報告的比例佔總可乘時間多少?會不會影響正常教學進度?

7. 建議這麼好的分區到校分享能辦在寒暑假,不影響上課又能讓更多老師參與。


