我們的團隊 The Advisory English Team of Taichung City

109學年度-臺中市語文領域 國中英語輔導團 團員


向上國中 林翠茹 校長


大德國中 鄭維源 老師


溪南國中 張倉漢 校長


大墩國中 簡慧琳 老師


北勢國中 張清欽 校長


梧棲國中 張世賢 老師


豐陽國中 蔡瑞昌 校長


大甲國中 莊雅蘭 老師


光明國中 李國禎 老師


漢口國中 陳敬容 老師


大道國中 曾靜榕 老師


大雅國中 羅峻豐 老師

歷任 輔導團 輔導員


102年台中市12年國民基本教育精進國民中小學教學品質 分區E組 到校輔導(霧峰國中)

Host:光明國中 曹珮綺輔導員
Topic:Speaking Assessment
From the pronunciation of vocabulary to sentence reading, picture description, and simple conversation, Miss Tsao checked stdudents' oral proficiency with a face to face oral interview based on the lessons they've already learned. The whole process of the test was around 10 to 15 minutes for each student, and once the test began both the tester and the testee should use English only. Students were asked to give feedback which helped the teacher to know not only what they thought about their test result, but what caused it. Please check here for complete information.

 Reporter 1: 立新國中 熊玲琪老師
Topic 1: 性別平等教育議題融入英語教學 (Please check here.)
By introducing the changing of female clothing, the teacher motivated her students not only visually, but physically. Rich photos of typical clothing on one hand led students back to that specific period of time; on the other hand helped them practice the key grammar: the position of prepositions (after a noun or noun phrase). Besides, students had to play the role as models to help involve in this class and refresh what they have learned.

Reporter 2: 立新國中 廖加鈴老師
Topic 2: 英語歌曲比賽 單字王大賽 (Please check here.)
A brief introduction about of how these two competitions were held in 立新 junior high school.

Reporter 3: 長億高中 郭淑華老師
Topic 3:合作學習在英語教學上之應用 英語讀本在英語學上之應用 (Please check here.)
Miss Guo practiced cooperative learning style into the performance of readers theater, and role play. Students had to read together; therefore, team work also encouraged slow leaner's to take a part in the play no matter how many lines they actually spoke. By doing so, her students learned to communicate and help each other.
To make a good use of the books in the library, Miss Guo helped the talented students to make up their story by the training of rewriting and summarizing. Furthermore, students had to recall what they had learned in the computer class in order to finish their own story book. At the end of the semester, everyone had a chance to introduce their own piece of work with a formal report, including the use of power point.

Reporter 4: 太平國中 賴娟蓮老師
Topic 4:分組教學 讀者劇場(Please check here.)
Observing the photos of her class, students were involved in the card game about phonics. Miss Lai gave orders and all the groups had to worked together to find out the answers quickly and correctly. Students became the center of the class, and all the teacher did was to stay behind and let them control the teaching process. Cooperative learning was highly admired by the students because they could think, ask, and talk together to work out any problem immediately.

Reporter 5: 中平國中 詹效嘉老師
Topic 5:有效教學之英語歌唱比賽 (Please check here.)
If all your favorite songs become your learning materials, won't you be eager to learn English? In Miss Zhan's class, students chose their favorite songs, got closer to them, and then they had to introduce these songs formally. Learning English songs was no longer filling into the gaps.

Reporter 6:新光國中
Topic 6:交通安全教育融入英語教學 (Please check here.)
A good way to help students learn English naturally is to bring them into daily life situations. Traffic signs are everywhere, but they can also be the materials for learning Imperative sentences. Traffic rules are boring, but once your classmates or teachers play the roles as "live" rules to tell you dos and don't, you learn everything.

Feedback from大里國中、成功國中、光正國中、光榮國中、爽文國中、烏日國中、溪南國中
1. 能結合手邊的資源,如圖書館的讀本等進行教學活動設計,可以省去不少尋找素材的負擔。
2. 現成的課本改編成讀者劇場的劇本,除了能讓學生熟悉課文亦能結合語文競賽活動,一舉兩得。
3. 希望能多多舉辦各校的教學經驗分享(如分區到校)。老師們需要的不是表演性質居多的教學觀摩,而
4. 口說評量與各種競賽立意良好,然牽涉到的人力、物力廣大,是否能請教育局或教育部研擬完備的計
5. 各項競賽或活動應以不增加學生負擔為原則,以免抹殺其立意。


