Topic:Mnemonic Instruction (學習策略:記憶術)
Effective mnemonic strategies that make unfamiliar information more
concrete, meaningful, familiar, and memorable include, keyword method, pegword
method, letter strategies, and other verbal elaborations.
For more examples and applications in the class: 情婦養成計畫 (情狀副詞) / 反對黨的勢力(Tag Questions), please check here.
Reporter 1: 后里國中
"Learning by doing" is the main idea that 后里國中 would like to share.
1. 英語大富翁
which is related to students' life habits is used as the remedial
2. 英語小書 allows students to create their own stories to reorganize what they
have learned.
3. 單字繪圖學習單 encourage those who are talented in arts to learn English with more fun
by drawing.
4. 電影短片/歌曲教學 not only includes traditional fill- in activities,
but also feedback, which students have
to produce what they think. Furthermore, they have to make their own cover for their homework!
to produce what they think. Furthermore, they have to make their own cover for their homework!
Reporter 2: 神圳國中
1. Songs to teach past tense and phonetics learning.
2. English plays integrate with Ocean education.
3. Environmental protection issues in English class.
4. Maps and students who are popular in 神圳國中.
Reporter 3:教學策略分享
A lesson design to teach past tense with a series of
Q&A and group competition.
Reporter 4:英語科融入國中生命教育教材
By turning taking, sometimes the teacher can use the ppt to help explain
the content of the coursebook, and sometimes the teacher can move on to the
films to motivate students. While watching the films, the teacher can choose to
translate the Chinese subtitles into English simultaneously
to help increase students' listening ability. Finally, to help students finish
worksheets to complete the whole activity and hand in their feedback.
from 豐原國中 豐東國中 豐南國中 后綜國中 大華國中 潭子國中 潭秀國中 外埔國中
1. 行政支援教學是非常重要的。
2. 鼓勵老師能發展其他專長(資訊、美術等),結合其他領域或融入各種議題設計課程,讓學生的學習更多元化。
3. 教學活動最後應該回歸到情感的輸出而非只是死板的填空。
4. 做中學。
5. 應徹底實踐差異化教學、多元評量、有校教學理念於課程設計中。
6. 應將教學的時間縮短以讓學生有更多時間產出。
7. 能結合時下流行的歌曲而不再只是"經典老歌"傳奇。
8. 讓教材不再死板,而是有更多視覺上的刺激激勵學生的學習動機。
9. 期許自己也能教到老學到老,不斷創新教學點子。
10. 感謝老師的不藏私,開放得獎作品與大家分享並鼓勵再利用!