A brief introduction to the roles and job
descriptions of the Advisory Group was first made by today’s keynote speaker to
officially open the workshop, which includes all the professional workshops,
English competitions, the promotion of important policies, educational
researches and teaching resources. It was also suggested that teachers should
incorporate corresponding teaching techniques, like Readers’ Theater or
Learning by Singing, into their own classrooms in order to truly fulfill the concept that every student deserves a fair chance as the elites do. Moreover, a variety of workshops designed to brush up on
teachers’ professionalism are already arranged by the Group this summer, so
teachers are very welcome to sign up in time.
Quizlet.com is an online flashcards making
website, allowing teachers to create visually heavy aids with only some simple
steps to follow so that learners can pick up new words more effectively and
naturally. With the ready-made templates, teachers can easily make flashcards,
annotate definitions, and most important of all, add pictures to create a more
durable and vivid image for learners to retain. What’s more, this is also a
social platform that teachers can follow and share each other’s dedicated work
by signing up for an account. It features six different modes, such as
Flashcard Mode, Speller Mode, Learn Mode, etc, to meet the diverse needs of
teachers. With a concise demonstration, the audiences should have gained a clear
picture of how it can help with their teaching.
The second half of the workshop was for the
assigned teachers to share their innovative teaching strategies, so we can
learn some practical techniques to benefit our students. First of all, how to
implement RT with proper grouping in the classroom was shown clearly with
pictures and video clips so that teachers can try to reconstruct this
successful practice in their own classrooms. Next, home-made learning
materials, like homework for summer vacation, vocab tests and worksheets that
are used to get students to introduce local culture in English, were well
presented. Then, by developing remedial supplements of phonics and sight words,
slow learners can have a fair chance to try to catch up with others. Finally,
English songs were mentioned several times as an effective technique to improve
students’ listening comprehension and even grammar competence as well.
On behalf of the Education Bureau, certificates
of award were presented to all the speakers today for their wonderful and
well-prepared presentations by the Advisory Group. Positive feedback have been
given during the Q&A session as well, and teachers expressed their
willingness to apply what have been shared into their own classrooms. Most
important of all, let’s not forget the main idea of attending workshops like
this is to equip ourselves with original and doable skills that can add some
flavor to our perennial test-driven teaching practice and engage as many
students as possible.