我們的團隊 The Advisory English Team of Taichung City

109學年度-臺中市語文領域 國中英語輔導團 團員


向上國中 林翠茹 校長


大德國中 鄭維源 老師


溪南國中 張倉漢 校長


大墩國中 簡慧琳 老師


北勢國中 張清欽 校長


梧棲國中 張世賢 老師


豐陽國中 蔡瑞昌 校長


大甲國中 莊雅蘭 老師


光明國中 李國禎 老師


漢口國中 陳敬容 老師


大道國中 曾靜榕 老師


大雅國中 羅峻豐 老師

歷任 輔導團 輔導員



Representatives from a total of 80 public junior high schools in Taichung attended this important meeting held by the Advisory group in Yu-Ying Junior High School, with important policies and activities regarding English education for this new semester fully discussed and unanimous agreement reached. Also, several high-ranking officials from the Education Bureau came and appreciated all the teachers’ efforts to improve the quality of English teaching for the previous semester, and they also helped clarified some of the teachers’ questions about the upcoming contests.
At this meeting, the new schedule was exhaustively elaborated by Gloria, going through all the pivotal events of this term. For example, one of the major changes after the merger is that all schools are divided into six groups based on their location, and teachers from each group are scheduled to do innovative teaching demonstration in Fong Yuan Junior High School and Tungshih Junior High School respectively, in the hope that we can all benefit from their well-prepared presentations and apply those creative teaching strategies to our own English class. And, on behalf of the Group, I want to congratulate those schools on being awarded by the Education Bureau for having workshops and meetings on a regular basis to help their teachers grow professionally and exchange valuable insights into their teaching practice, for their realization of Professional Learning Community, or PLC, can be served as a great model for the rest of us to follow.
Above all, workshops for teachers’ professional growth were already carefully designed after consulting the questionnaire in which teachers expressed their needs. Experts with abundant field experience were also invited to share their authentic and valuable practices. For example, the Remedial Instruction is now a very hot topic because the MOE is going to spend a huge amount of money developing new curriculum and training in-service teachers to help those who are falling behind. Therefore, teachers who are interested in equipping themselves with the latest idea of this issue are encouraged to attend the workshop.


