Keep something down I experienced
Before going aboard
Have this opportunity to make a honor
presentation by British Council in Malaysia, to tell the truth, I feel
honorable and good. So I prepared it for one more week time. I need to say
thank you to Daniel and Richard, thanks for them to help me translate some
Chinese tables into English first. Secondly, I want to appreciate to my
parents and my honey, Nancy. Even they reminded me too many times and too
many words, but I understood and knew that they just wanted to show
they care me totally. Well, I need to thank to my bosses in Educational
bureau at last.
Four days in Malaysia
The first days
I think I'll remember the reception party for
speakers and presenters all the time in the evening of the first day. The
party was held by the Missioner of British Council in Malaysia. If we need to
make our conference successful later, this warm party is a good idea.
Not only it make a presenter like me could know the presenters and speakers
with each other, but it make me feel respectively. About this, in the evening
of days 3, the reception party for everyone is the same.
The second and the last one are good.
104學年度 第2學期 臺中市國民教育輔導團國中 A組分區到校輔導 - 立人國中
(For all the
references, please click here.)
■ 光明國中 李國禎老師 【台日英語視訊交流 Seijo Kuangming Talk】

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