I have been doing lots of sharing at workshops and teaching demonstrations at different schools. However, today it was the first time that I shared and displayed some achievements in front of all the ninth graders in the very auditorium of my own school. Based on my perspective of how they responded, I think I did a good job today.
Fun with English: Self-introduction and A Little Happiness
This tenth teaching demonstration of mine was performed at
Cultural Exchange: Malaysian food, tourist spots and costumes
2016 教育部中小學國際教育國際研討會—全球公民:素養、知識與能力
conference on international education for primary and secondary schools was
held in Taichung on April 15th, 2016. More than 300 teachers, scholars
and students from Japan, Canada, Indonesia,
Kenya, Australia, South Korea, the USA, India and Iraq joined the conference
and shared their experiences on international education with each other. Taichung Municipal Chih Shan Junior High School presented the interaction activities with Kenya students in the conference.
News about the conference 新聞報導
1. http://www.pacificnews.com.tw/shownews.php?postnewsid=16&titleid=86449
2. 印度中學生赴台交流 體驗台灣庶民文化 http://www.rti.org.tw/m/news/detail/?recordId=261547
News about the conference 新聞報導
1. http://www.pacificnews.com.tw/shownews.php?postnewsid=16&titleid=86449
2. 印度中學生赴台交流 體驗台灣庶民文化 http://www.rti.org.tw/m/news/detail/?recordId=261547
2016 iEARN country coordinators Taichung city tour
On April 13, 2016, iEARN country coordinators from Japan and Indonesia had a city tour with the junior high school students in Taichung. The students are from Rih-Nan Junior High School, Chih Shan Junior High School and Washington High School. The coordinators and the students paid a visit to Taichung Daijia Jenn Lann Temple, Maple Garden and the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. During the trip, the students introduced the beauty of Taichung to foreigners in English.
"由補救教學的「基本學習內容」可知, 補救教學並不是重複普通班上課的內容,再教他們一次, 因為對於這些學習有困難的孩子,事實就是上完四節課都無法學好的,怎麼有可能藉由短短的一兩節課祛除他們學習上的障礙,而達到學習目標? 因此在課程設計時「鎖定目標、減量、淺化」是很重要的原則, 否則不但對學生的能力提升有限,更可能造成另一重傷害。
對補救教學的學生而言更是如此, 從個人以往的教學經驗中深深體會教學應聚焦在學習者身上,盡量「少解說、多練習」,藉由漸進反覆的練習而培養語感,尤其是適時提供學習鷹架而增加學習者成功的學習機會,逐步完成「基本學習內容」的學習。"
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