(Please click the photo for the ppt. and shared resources)
Day 1 What do teachers help
students read for?
Based on this year's CAP, what made the exam
difficult? Weren't the examinees hardworking
enough? Or perhaps was it because teachers did not prepare students in the right
Reading might be functional, but it can
also be pleasure and fun. Reading is part of life which readers experience
every day. Normally, teachers teach students read for learning new words, practicing
grammar, and understanding sentence structures, but reading comprehension is
more than those. What can teachers do to help students or direct them into
higher level thinking? Instead of reading for answering the questions,
reciprocal reading process is able to invite students to play 4 roles while
reading: predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing to comprehend
texts in a different way.

Day 2 What do PISA ans PIRLS
teach us?
Besides reading comprehension, reading
literacy which is defined in terms of students' ability to understand, use and
reflect on written text to achieve their purposes contains more. The PIRLS
assessment of reading literacy will focus on the two purposes: reading for
literacy experience and reading to acquire and use information. In PISA,
reading literacy is assessed in relation to text format, reading process, and
This is the literacy framework:
Here are the worksheets which teachers
designed based on TumbleBook series:
note that all the worksheets for TumbleBook series are opened for feedback and revision.
Please feel free to tell us your opinions.