我們的團隊 The Advisory English Team of Taichung City

109學年度-臺中市語文領域 國中英語輔導團 團員


向上國中 林翠茹 校長


大德國中 鄭維源 老師


溪南國中 張倉漢 校長


大墩國中 簡慧琳 老師


北勢國中 張清欽 校長


梧棲國中 張世賢 老師


豐陽國中 蔡瑞昌 校長


大甲國中 莊雅蘭 老師


光明國中 李國禎 老師


漢口國中 陳敬容 老師


大道國中 曾靜榕 老師


大雅國中 羅峻豐 老師

歷任 輔導團 輔導員


102年度 英語輔導小組領域召集人會議暨發展英語主動學習之教學策略研習

l   To start today's conference, some teachers offered their opinions, and some questions were responded by 陳進卿校長 and 課程督學 阮志偉校長.
n   神圳國中 仲維華老師
1.          關於英語教學分級的可行性?
: 可依學校規定辦理或採分組學習進行。
2.          各項語文活動或競賽應搭配完整計畫以減輕老師的負擔。
n   大業國中 曾怡惠老師
1.          請問補教教學應如何實施?
: 可結合生活技能或有進步就好
2.          課室觀摩是否占用太多課餘時間?
: 目前採自由參加,雖然校務評鑑會抽1/3觀課,但原意是透過反省自己的教學現場並獲得成長。教師專業評鑑的重點在老師而校務評鑑則是在學生。
n   崇倫國中 朱子昀老師
1.          補救教學為何只針對主科?
: 他科沒有檢測標準。
2.          會考成績會公布嗎?
: 校務評鑑結果會公布,但會考成績則未知。
3.          正常化教學與配課的衝突性?
: 為配合基本教學節數,不管哪科老師都會遇到這種問題。另外,偏遠學校可採共聘老師。
n   三光國中 陳珮宜老師
1.        國小有補教教學嗎?

Schedule for This Semester
l          A link to the schedule this semester, please check here.

l   Today's conference focused more on the introduction to several important and useful websites, 台中市國教輔導團入口, 台中市國中英語輔導團, and 台中市國中英語輔導團檔案櫃.
Also a reminder of the deadline (10/15) for uploading the teaching resource.
Please check this website:數位教學資源網

勤耕 Report

l   The 2nd part of the morning conference is勤耕by Miss Chao-Ling Chen.
        n   About the writer
Chao- Ling Chen, from Dongshan Senior High School.
n   About the research report
         In this research report, the environmental protection issue was involved in lesson plans via            cooperation learning. Besides the increasing of students' motivation towards English learning, peer   interaction and learning was also an extra bonus while grouping students with different English levels. An idea of the board game was also joined in this lesson to help increasing students' interest and lower the tense of English learning.
n   For further information, please go to https://docs.google.com/a/tc.edu.tw/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=dGMuZWR1LnR3fHRhaS16aG9uZy1zaGktZ3VvLWppYW8tZnUtZGFvLXR1YW4tZ3VvLXpob25nLXlpbmcteXUtbGluZy15dXxneDo3YTY4OWIzYjRkYTczOTM1

A Seminar on Active Learning
l   The 2nd period of the conference was a sharing of Active Learning by Simon D. Stopps.

l   Active Learning
n   Active learning requires
u  engagement
u  understanding
u  response
n   Meets the requirements of active learning?
u  take notes in class
u  performing a dialogue
u  watch a short video
u  peer tutoring
u  make a presentation
u  do homework
u  do a quiz
(not all activities are equal)
l   Assessing activities (2 dimensions)
n   Advantages
u  interest-learning-response-interest (this system circulates.)
u  activities generate interest
u  activities enhance learning
u  activities make people want to respond
u  (Bonus Benefits) social benefit
(student role- modeling) (social competencies)
n   Barriers
u  personal fears (losing control in the classroom)
u  bad experiences
u  student resistance (they don't want to work in their group or maybe they don't think they should do this activity)
u  institutional resistance
u  time pressure
u  curriculum volume
l  Engagement vs. Risk

l   Activity vs. format
n   Activity: What are the students doing?
n   Format: How are the students doing it?
l   Plotting Activities
(top right)
n   Games: top right
n   Role play
n   songs
n   presentations
n   group projects
n   media(down- left)--Ss just sit and watch videos without doing anything
n   lecture
l   patterns
(top- right) large groups
        periods of inactivity
        special requirements: classroom routines, group dynamics
( have to understand your classroom background first )
(down- left) large groups
         periods of inactivity
(top- left) small groups/ pairs/ individuals (good: increase intensity)
        on-going engagement
        special requirement: classroom routines, group dynamic
l   How to get from top- right to top- left?
large groups --> small groups
l   Low- risk format options :
n   brainstorming activities
n   lecture with pauses
n   self-assessment activities (to help them understand how well they have been doing, no need to give marks)
n   structured pair work (Ss know what they are supposed to do very clearly)
n   structured small group discussion (think- care- share)
n   lecture and discussion
n   surveys(find someone who...)
n   in-class writing
l   How to get from down- left to up- left?
n   lesson planning
u  warm- up (hook): to catch Ss' interest
u  present: introduce target knowledge
u  practice: guided review and practice
u  produce: independent practice / assessment
n   Speaking strategies: Speak first -> always speak
u  spoken: input(listening) -> output(speaking)
u  written: input(reading)->output(writing)

u  listening and speaking are natural
u  reading and writing must be taught
u  Ss speak before they read and write
n   Remove the dictionary:
u  decoding: how do you say the word? do you recognize parts of the words?
u  part of speech: what part of speech is it, n, v, prep?
u  chunking: what do other words in the sentence mean?
u  logical deduction: what is this / paragraph about?
u  Vocabulary activation: what is the story about?
n   Reading strategies
u  round robin reading( to read orally one after the other)
u  share reading
u  guided reading
u  independent reading (don't read out loud)
u  buddy reading (to read with a partner)
u  reading aloud to student (make some Q & A to check if they understand)

l   During the 2nd period of this sharing, Mr. Stopps invited all the teachers to have a look at the coursebook (佳音翰林 B5 U2), and gave a demonstration to help the teachers how to activate their teaching with the activities in the coursebook based on the low- risk format options mentioned above.


